Kroger and Telaid partner on technology deployment of new IoT temperature monitors that are poised to revolutionize food safety.

The decision to deploy a digital temperature monitoring system started out as a pure labor savings play, designed to automate the manual process of checking and documenting the temperature of refrigerated food cases across Kroger’s stores.

However, after working with Telaid on the technology deployment of this innovative 750,000-device IoT system, the benefits of these temperature monitors extended far beyond the expected, generating millions of dollars in savings and benefits in food quality, safety and efficiency.

Find out how Kroger:

  • Streamlined operations and reduced labor costs with the implementation of IoT temperature monitors.
  • Reduced losses due to spoilage and improper handling using a digital temperature monitoring system.
  • Rolled out more than 30,000 access points and a total of 750,000 devices over the course of 18 months.